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Embrace the beauty of California's Nature. This collection has been inspired by the soothing sounds of the Pacific Ocean, the whispers of the Redwoods and the majestic presence of the Sierra Nevada. 

CaliNature Collection

  • S     4 ft (120 cm) - fixed hand loop

    M    6 ft (180 cm) - adjustable length thanks to 2 rings**

    L     7 ft (210 cm) - adjustable length thanks to 2 rings **

    CITY LEASH, 2 ft (60 cm) - fixed hand loop

    TRAINING LEAD, 5 ft (150 cm) - leash length without slip collar length


    ** Advantages of the Medium and Long leashes are that you can easily switch the way you leash your dog with the same leash.

    A simple adjustment allows you to transition between 4 settings:

    • Combined with a traditional collar or harness
    • Create a semi-fixed leash-collar combination by moving the ring out of the figure-eight knot with the knot preventing the loop to close fully on the dog's neck
    • Create a fixed size collar and leash combination by moving the figure-eight knot to the desired slip-collar size
    • Create a full slip leash/collar by moving the ring out of the figure-eight knot, towards the loose end of the leash.  Here the collar is a choke collar and therefore can fully close to the dog's neck. This version is only intended for dogs that extremely well walking on a leash without pulling. It can also be also used as a training tool under the guidance of a dog trainer. It should never be used with pups
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